Do Profile Pictures Matter on Linkedin?

July 12, 2009

images4As a Linkedin member, group manager, sales professional, and potential hiring employer. I have to say that profile pictures do matter! I am amazed at the number of people on Linkedin, which is a business professional site who do not have a profile picture posted. Instead they choose to leave it empty or with some alternate pic or logo.



Here are the reasons to have a profile picture:

  1. Allows your network to put a face with a name. Which is important as most people “think” in pictures.
  2. It is an additional identifier of you and your brand. Again people associate “brand” often times with pictures.
  3. Pictures communicate a message, is your picture communicating the right one? Putting a profile picture on your Linkedin space that is 20 years old or one less than professional does not communicate a good message.

Often times in the Linkedin space you may have a well written profile, but if you have no picture. You automatically leave viewers suspicious which requires more time many people do not have to find out more about you. In addition many will not spend ANY time to learn about you or respond to your request, as you appear to be less than forthcoming or do not take your professional profile seriously.

To learn how to put a “professional profile” on Linkedin along with other Linkedin Power Strategies join us for this “no cost” webinar here. The next webinar is August 20th 4pm Eastern. Be sure to register to learn when the next one is available.

Randy Schrum
Grow your professional network fast here.

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