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Are you a believer in Linkedin Groups?

July 22, 2009

Five Person Business TeamThis is a big question that I am sure will generate a ton of response. So are you a believer in Linkedin Groups? I will tell you that I am without a doubt a strong proponent of Linkedin groups.

The reason why I am a strong believer is because you have a professional community coming together for like interest, goals, experiences, and networks. This makes it the perfect place to collaborate within a “targeted market” with your real investment being the time you put into it.

As a sales and marketing professional myself, I see this as a perfect place to build brand image, be a resource to potential clients or customers, and find solutions! Whether you are in sales, construction, accounting, unemployed, lawyer, doctor, engineer or any other field you can find value in the Linkedin Group communities. Through the group’s directory you can view already established groups or even pioneer a group as you may discover a need to fill on the Linkedin space. The group’s directory will allow you to easily find the right group by both category and keyword. This is a great tool because you then just determine your target audience you want to be in front of by relevant keywords and search to join those “liked minded” individuals

So here are some do’s and don’ts:

~ Be a resource to your group and bring value.
~ Respect the group rules.
~ Ask quality, thought provoking questions.
~ Give well thought out answers.
~ Do not promote your service as a new discussion without the group manager’s approval.
~ Be respectful of the members and when others may be less than professional be slow to respond and careful not to lash out. The community is watching to see how you respond. Respond well and win a valuable connection forever.

As an added interactive, I have posted the question to the Linkedin community on July 21, 2009 @ 8pm central. Here is what I asked, “Are you a believer in Linkedin Groups & Why?” click here to see the live responses.

Finally here is a group for All Linkedin Members, Linked Strategies offers strategies, tips, collaboration, and resources with the Linkedin community on how to be successful with Linkedin. You can join here today, as a way of saying thank you the owner has graciously agreed to host a “no cost” Linkedin Power Users Webinar that you can sign up for here. This Linked Strategies Webinar is hosted every thursday with different times emailed to you.  As well as access to the previously recorded.

Randy Schrum

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Linkedin and The 8 Hundred Pound Gorilla!

July 20, 2009

guerillaI talk to people almost everyday who are either confused on how to set their profile up on Linkedin or have come up with reasons why they will NOT complete their profile.  This really is the 8 Hundred Pound Gorilla of Linkedin! Why do I call it that? Simple, so many people everyday ignore this very critical piece on Linkedin and most other social platforms, yet it sticks out like a 8 hundred pound gorilla in the room. 

So many people leave their profile unfinished and expect their efforts on Linkedin to pay off.  I have spoken with numerous Linkedin members who don’t understand why their countless hours, week after week participating on Linkedin does not pay off.  The number one reason I have found is an incomplete profile!

Here are eight  reasons to complete your profile:

1. Most critical is that your “Profile is your Resume” on Linkedin. This is how individuals and companies qualify & view you. See my past article.

2. A picture is worth a thousand words. Have you loaded your picture on Linkedin yet? See my recent article.

3. Tell others your specialities. By listing your specialities you can show up in keyword searches done by other linkedin members.

4. You can drive traffic to your website or blog.

5. You can show your expertise through recommendations left by others, which is one of the best forms of advertising. See my article on becoming a Expert on Linkedin.

6. A complete profile shows you as a person well versed in the internet and social changes. While an incomplete profile can communicate “old school” mentality.

7. Be found by past clients and friends. Often times past clients and friends may find you by certain keywords, your picture, employment history, or schooling.

8. Because it’s the 8 Hundred Pound Gorilla in the room!

If you are confused or frustrated, Here is a “No Cost” Linkedin Webinar that will share power strategies on building your profile along with other Linkedin secrets Strategies Webinar is hosted every thursday with different times emailed to you.  As well as access to the previously recorded.. Sign up here.

Randy Schrum
Group Facilitator of Linked Strategies





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The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Linkedin Members

July 14, 2009

e7d60b79409a674cSo what makes a highly successful Linkedin member? Here is what I have discovered as not only habits, but also “secrets” of the treasure chest on Linkedin.



1. They invest their time strategically by putting fresh content on Linkedin when it’s the best time to do so. Let me explain, for me weekends are times to prepare Linkedin content, but as you will notice most collaboration does not take place on weekends. So hold the great Q/A’s, the awesome discussion topics, or the great status updates until Monday and never late Friday. Think about what your audience is doing and be strategic.

2. They use their status update to post something new every 24 to 48 hours and 80% of those updates include a link that gives a call to action. Such as signing up for your next webinar, promotions to visit your blog, or visiting your corporate website etc…

3. They answer target specific questions that are related to their target market. This is great exposure for your business that Linkedin Pros are doing everyday!

4. They change their Picture profile every two months. This creates dialogue and interaction with your network. This is another way to keep your brand in front of everyone. Pictures are worth a thousand _ _ _ _ _ (fill in the blank)

5. They answer every Linkedin email/inmail. Maybe not timely, but they never waste an opportunity!

6. They post their company events on the events application provided by Linkedin and use this as a way to measure interest and involvement for such things as conferences, webinars, or seminars.  The events application has only been recently used by Linkedin Elite, but many are beginning to wise up to its amazing potential.

7. These highly successful members have identified their target markets on Linkedin, their goals on Linkedin, and are executing their plan every single work day. Social Media can be measured, but most don’t understand how to begin measuring their Social Media efforts because they have never identified their goals for using the Linkedin space. Once you have identified your goals then you can build a measurable matrix to anaylize your efforts.

I hope you enjoyed these highlights that will help in your Linkedin efforts. To learn more Highly Successful Strategies, join me for a “no cost” webinar hosted every thursday with different times emailed to you.  As well as access to the previously recorded., register here. Not able to attend, register anyway as we will post the recording to gain access at a later date

Randy Schrum

Single most affective strategy to building professional connections online here.

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Linkedin Strategy Group

Do Profile Pictures Matter on Linkedin?

July 12, 2009

images4As a Linkedin member, group manager, sales professional, and potential hiring employer. I have to say that profile pictures do matter! I am amazed at the number of people on Linkedin, which is a business professional site who do not have a profile picture posted. Instead they choose to leave it empty or with some alternate pic or logo.



Here are the reasons to have a profile picture:

  1. Allows your network to put a face with a name. Which is important as most people “think” in pictures.
  2. It is an additional identifier of you and your brand. Again people associate “brand” often times with pictures.
  3. Pictures communicate a message, is your picture communicating the right one? Putting a profile picture on your Linkedin space that is 20 years old or one less than professional does not communicate a good message.

Often times in the Linkedin space you may have a well written profile, but if you have no picture. You automatically leave viewers suspicious which requires more time many people do not have to find out more about you. In addition many will not spend ANY time to learn about you or respond to your request, as you appear to be less than forthcoming or do not take your professional profile seriously.

To learn how to put a “professional profile” on Linkedin along with other Linkedin Power Strategies join us for this “no cost” webinar here. The next webinar is August 20th 4pm Eastern. Be sure to register to learn when the next one is available.

Randy Schrum
Grow your professional network fast here.

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